This Standards T-Shirt for Pi Kappa Alpha has two options, you can choose to have this T-Shirt come in Sport Grey or in White and then select a size.
T-Shirt will come with sewn-on twill Greek letters for Pi Kappa Alpha. We have selected your letter color / border color (pictured) for you in order to offer you these great savings.
Letter Color (Top Color): MAROON
Border Color (Outline): OLD GOLD
T-Shirt Specifications: Gildan unisex/men's sizing 5.3oz preshrunk 100% cotton jersey; taped neck and shoulders; double-needle hems; quarter-turned to eliminate center crease; double-needle sleeves; seamless collar.
This is a UNISEX/MEN'S SIZED t-shirt, it is not a ladies' or fitted tee.
Style #: G500